

“From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.” (Matthew 16:21)

One can debate with others if Jesus needed courage as he marched towards Jerusalem and his ultimate death. I mean after all he was and is God! What is not debatable is that there was an ultimate goal in mind; his dying on behalf of others. Reaching a goal requires courage for sure as there are always set-backs along the way. I recently came across several examples of courage this past week.

The first was Juliana Hess Ramhalo Ortigao. Juliana was a 10-year-old girl who attended a local school here in Fort Collins as a fifth grader. A year ago, she was diagnosed with the rarest form of pediatric brain tumors. And one that ultimately took her life. But not before inspiring thousands of people around the world with the courage to face this silent killer. Her Memorial Service last Friday was a celebration of the courage that Juliana lived out until the final days of her life.

I recently watched the movie “Free Solo” that follows Alex Honnold as he “free” climbs El Capitan in Yosemite. With no ropes or harnesses; just hands and feet he scaled to the top of a sheer, 3000 ft. granite wall. It was a feat that had never been done before and is a literal seat of your pants, white knuckle test of endurance, strength and courage. 

One of our Early Childhood volunteers in our Children’s Ministry was recently diagnosed with a tumor on a nerve in her neck. To remove this tumor would be tricky as a small mistake by the surgeon could leave her paralyzed. The tumor was already affecting her ability to use her left arm and if left untreated would ultimately kill her. In spite of thinking about what could happen, she went forward with the surgery and is now recovering with a positive outcome.

I share this because all of these examples required courage in the face of insurmountable odds. I don’t know about you, but I am inspired by people who have the courage to face adversity and persevere. 

Perhaps you are facing something that seems insurmountable in your life right now. I hope that you will be encouraged  by these examples and the example of our Lord as you face whatever might require courage from you.